grades 3-5

All students begin the day with worship and prayer.  The Encounter Bible curriculum is designed to help students discover, inquire and experience Bible stories and spiritual truths.  In addition to these positive experiences, we hope that students will encounter God Himself and be drawn to developing a personal relationship with Christ.

Students continue developing their independent reading and writing abilities.  In reading, they are instructed during read-alouds, mini lessons and guided reading groups.  By the fifth grade, students are taught to sustain student-led book clubs.  In writing, students learn to write poetry, personal narratives, realistic fiction, argument essays and informational reports.

The Big Ideas math curriculum, which is aligned to the Common Core State Standards, is used to assist students in becoming competent in math concepts and skills.  Students strengthen their number sense and problem solving abilities.

Through science inquiry, students learn concepts that are applied in class projects and activities.  Areas covered in social studies include countries, Maryland state history and US history.

In physical education class, students learn to care for their bodies through fitness activities and team sports.  Skill development and sportsmanship are emphasized. This helps students gain an appreciation and respect for one another.  Music involves theory and appreciation.  There is a focus on singing, symbols and notation, percussion instruments and recorders.